'In and Out' originates from the EU Socrates project 'OUTLiNES', which ran from October 2006 to September 2009. 'OUTLiNES' had the aim of developing courses for student teachers in the field of learning outside the classroom.
'In and Out' transfer experiences and results from 'OUTLiNES' and the sector of teacher education into the sector of vocational education and training systems as a Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project.
VIA University College and Linköping University were also involved in 'OUTLiNES' whereas University of Bucharest, University of Marburg and The Municipality of Lemvig are new partners in this project.
'In and Out' consists of 9 work packages, running from 1 November 2010 until 31. October 2012. You can read about the content of each work package in the menu to the left.