Life of project and Work package

Life og project the 'In & Out' project officially started in november 2010, but emerged much earlier.

'In and Out' originates from the EU Socrates project 'OUTLiNES', which ran from October 2006 to September 2009. 'OUTLiNES' had the aim of developing courses for student teachers in the field of learning outside the classroom.  

'In and Out' transfer experiences and results from 'OUTLiNES' and the sector of teacher education into the sector of vocational education and training systems as a Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project. 

VIA University College and Linköping University were also involved in 'OUTLiNES' whereas University of Bucharest, University of Marburg and The Municipality of Lemvig are new partners in this project.  

'In and Out' consists of 9 work packages, running from 1 November 2010 until 31. October 2012. You can read about the content of each work package in the menu to the left.

Work package

  • Description of activities:

    • Planning of project activities by all project partneres 
    • Establishment of a web site 
    • Financial administration and supervision 
    • Reporting to EU at the interim stage and upon completion of the project
  • Description of activities:

    • Project kick-off meeting in Aarhus, Denmark 
    • Establishing consensus on the framework of the project 
    • Agreement upon expected impacts of the project and on parameteres for assessing if the desired impacts are achieved or not 
    • Agreement upon the project's aims, methodology and work plan 
    • Agreement on the tasks and roles of the partneres and definition and clarification of responsibilities among the consortium 
    • Discussion of the quality management and evaluation framework for the project 
    • Agreement on the organisation of project deliveries and feedback 
    • Agreeement upon the communicaion forms and frequency during the project 
    • Establish an understanding of the financial and administrative procedures and demands of the project 
    • Produce initial outline of the course package to be refined in WP3
  • Description of activities:

    • Partner meeting in Marburg, Germany 
    • Overall planning of project activities 
    • Discussions and clarification of how to ensure recruitment from the sector of non-formal education 
    • Strategy for recrutiment 
    • Redefine overall course outline and further development at own organisation as preparation for WP4 
    • Review of overall structure and outline of the course package produced in WP2, including assignment of teaching responsibilites, time-frame for test runs, evaluation upon completions of test runs etc.
  • Description of activities:

    • Production meeting in Nr. Nissum, Denmark 
    • The overall course outline produced during WP2 and 3 is planned in detail and further developed into an initial course package 
    • The goal of the meeting is to clarify: 
      • How will the project transfer the content and pedagogical material of OUTLiNES to the new course and adapt it to the new and more experienced target gorups? 
      • The exact content of the courses: themes for discussion, theoretical approaches, implementation of methodology, activities, exercises etc. 
      • Goals of each course module: which learning goals must the course participation fulfil, what impacts on course participants' didactical and practival methods are expected? 
      • How should the diversity of the duel target group of the course package be handles? Which steps will the project partners take to ensure that both target sectors are included in the process? Which methods will be needed to facilitate the learning process in the interdisciplinary context? How to facilitate interdisciplinary discussions and exchange of knowledge? 
      • Which measures will the project partners apply to facilitate the desired networking and exchange of knowledge among course participants, also after the completion of the project? 
    • In countinuation of the meeting, an initial test run will be conducted with a least 15 participants. Teachers will be recruited from the Municipal of Lemvig, and non-formal educators will come from the entire region. The test run will be used to adjust the content and form of the initial course package and serve as basis for the folloing test runs to be conducted in Romania, Sweden and Germany
  • Description of activities

    • Production and evaluation meeting in Bucharest, Romania 
    • During the meeting the results of the evaluations are analysed and adapted with a view to further developing the foundation course and preparation of the test runs of the interdisciplinary subject course. During the meeting, the partners draft up a plan for modification of the foundation course and allocates tasks in this process to the project partners. The final modificaion must be completed prior to WP7 
    • External advisors will participate in the meeting to give comments on the content of the project and guidelines and manuals for the courses
  • Description of activities:

    • Production and evaluation meeting in Linköping, Sweden 
    • Based upon the evaluation results the partners will refine the content, methodology, and pedagogical materials of the subject course 
    • Agreement upon a detailed plan for the conduction of the subject course test runs and evaluation 
    • After the meeting, a test run of the subject course will be held at each partner institution 
    • All subject experts will circulate between the partner institutions as visiting professors to teach their specific area of expertise. Their participation encures a continous development of the project, as the experts will observe, comment upon and guide each others during the implementation of the course. Evaluations will be made after each course. Test runds will be held during a period of 5 months in order to allow for interim evaluations upon completion of each test run, ensuring a continous optimization of the entire project.
  • Description of activities:

    • Production and evaluation meeting to be held in Marburg, Germany 
    • Discussion of evaluation, results from the test runs 
    • Deciding upon the final adjustment of course content and material 
    • Consensus on dissemination and exploitation plan 
    • Assignments for all partners up to WP8: 
      • Production and publishing of further training material, such as printing, making interactive media solutions etc. Each partner provides inputs to the production both within their field of expertise and to the products of the other partners. 
    • Making the final edition of the web site including written material, pictures, and other relevant information 
    • Production of brochures for dissemination of the project's results among relevant institutions and actors
  • Description of activities:

    • The project website will be used to disseminiate the work in progress and the final results. It will contain a knowledge bank, examples for concrete implementation of learning outside the classroom, further training material, relevant documents and reports, information about the project etc. 
    • Brochures explaining the contents and results of the project will be distributed to associations of teachers, local authorities, and other relevant institutions in order to create interest in the further training course 
    • Information campaigns made by the communication departments of the partner institutions, addressing potential course participants in the relevant target groups, schools and non-formal learning settings, autorities responsible for further training activities etc. 
    • Production of press releases to local and national media to disseminate the project 
    • Participation in various relevant conferences 
    • Making presenations about the project in relevant institutions, associations etc. 
    • Planning of final conference
  • The Final Conference took place in Portugal in September 2012.

    We were pleased that the “In & Out” project was accepted to participate with a presentation and workshop in the 11th European Geoparks Conference in Arouca Geopark, Portugal

    Conference paper (pdf)